KungFu Academy APP Privacy Policy

Updated: August 17, 2023

Effective Date: August 17, 2023


Xiamen Maritime Oasis Technology Co., LtdXiamen Sea Oasis Technology Co., Ltd (hereinafter referred to as "KungFu App" or "we") attaches great importance to your personal information and gives you control over it, we will use strong encryption technology to protect your privacy, and establish strict policies to manage all data. When you visit KungFu, or before using the services we provide, you need to agree to the provisions of this Policy regarding how we collect, use, store and share information about you. If you do not agree with anything in this Privacy Policy, please immediately stop using or accessing our products and services. If you have any questions about this policy, please contact:[email protected]

We will complete the verification and processing within 15 working days after receiving your contact.

About us

The KungFu Academy App is operated by Xiamen Offshore Oasis Technology Co., Ltd.

The main points of this Privacy Policy are as follows:

i. We will explain the types of personal information we collect about you and the corresponding uses of each one, so that you can understand the specific types of personal information we collect for a particular function, the reasons for using it, and the methods of collection.

ii. When you use some functions, we will collect some of your sensitive information after obtaining your separate consent, unless it is necessary to collect it in accordance with relevant laws and regulations, refusing to provide such information will only make you unable to use the relevant specific functions, but will not affect your normal use of other functions of KungFu App.

iii. At present, KungFu App will not actively share or transfer your personal information to third parties outside KungFu App, if there are other situations where your personal information is shared or transferred or you need us to share or transfer your personal information to a third party outside KungFu App, we will directly or confirm that the third party has obtained your separate consent to the above behavior, in addition, we will conduct a risk assessment on the external provision of information.

iv. You can access, correct and delete your personal information through the channels listed in this guideline, as well as withdraw consent, cancel your account, complain and report, and set privacy functions.

If you want more detailed information, please read the corresponding section according to the following index:

I. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

II. How do we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of your personal information

III. How We Store Your Personal Information

IV. How We Protect Your Personal Information

V. Your personal subject rights

6. Third-party service providers

7. How We Use Cookies and Similar Technologies

VIII. Provisions for Minors

9. Updates to this Policy

10. Scope of Application

11. How to contact us

XII. Supplementary Provisions

I. How We Collect and Use Your Personal Information

When we provide services, we will collect and use your personal information in accordance with the principles of legitimacy, legality, transparency and minimum necessity, and for the purposes described in this Policy.

(i) Basic business function services

The basic business functions of this application are to watch the free kung fu course episodes of the learning part, and the community browsing and posting functions.

(2) Upgrade experience function services

The upgrade experience function of this app is to watch the full set of Kung Fu courses, you can use to deposit Kung Fu Coins or open a membership to unlock any course you want to learn.


1.1 Register and log in to your account

A. When you register and log in to KungFu App, you can create an account through your email address, and you can complete the relevant personal information (including avatar, nickname, etc.), and collect this information to help you complete the registration. You can also choose to fill in gender, age, kung fu preference and personal introduction according to your needs to complete your information.

B. You can also use the third-party account IOS APPID to log in and use KungFu App, and you will authorize us to obtain the public information (email) you registered on the third-party platform for binding with your KungFu App account, so that you can directly log in and use this product and related services.

1.2 Transaction Information

You can purchase goods or services (including KungFu membership services, Kung Fu coin top-ups) within the Keep app. During the payment process, KungFu APP only provides IOS store payment, and we will not collect any account information related to your payment process).

1.3 Account security and exception troubleshooting

In the process of using our services, in order to understand the suitability of products, ensure the security of your account and system operation, determine your account risks, ensure that we provide services for you normally, and collect statistics and troubleshooting abnormal information, we will collect relevant information about the services you use and how to use them, including your use of  KungFu courses, post comments on the KungFu community, and such information includes:

1.4.1 Device Information

We will receive and record information about the device you use according to your specific permissions for software installation and/or use authorization, including your device identification code (including IDFA, IDFV), and information about the location of the device (including IP address). If you refuse to grant us the corresponding permissions during installation and/or use, we will not collect your corresponding information as described above.

1.4.2 IP Address

Information you communicate through our Services, including the account you used to communicate, as well as the time, data and duration of the communication

1.5 Community

When you leave a comment in the community, we will collect the text and images of your comment. We would like to remind you that if your comments are publicly posted, if they contain personal information, it will bring you certain risks. Therefore, it is recommended that you carefully consider in your comments whether to share or even publicly share relevant information when using our services. If the information you publicly release involves the personal information of other natural persons or children, you need to obtain the consent of the natural person or the child's guardian before publishing.

1.6 Customer Service Feedback

In order to ensure the security of your account, our customer service staff will use your avatar and nickname to verify your identity. When you need us to provide customer service and after-sales service related to your transaction information, we will inquire about your order information (including iOS account email, order number, service information you purchased, order time, and payment amount). At the same time, we will also collect the information you provide when you contact customer service.  If you do not provide the above information, our customer service will not be able to provide you with the aforementioned services, but it will not affect your use of other services provided by us.

1.7 Sharing Features

When you share or receive images, videos, links, events, etc. in the shared KungFu app, we need to access your clipboard locally , read the password, sharing code, and link contained therein to realize functions or services such as jumping and sharing. We will only upload clipboard content to our server if we locally identify that it belongs to KungFuApp's jump, share, activity linkage, etc. instructions. Other than that, we will not upload other information about your clipboard to our servers. In addition, we may need to read your phone's album permission so that you can share or receive shared videos or pictures.

The system of some mobile devices will prompt that the app is reading the clipboard or album, but the system prompt cannot distinguish whether it is local processing or uploading, and due to the difference in statistical methods, the possibility of false positives cannot be ruled out. So if you find a similar prompt and have questions, please contact us so we can locate the problem.

(3) Permissions obtained by KungFu  App

1 Storage permissions

(1) READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (read external memory)

In order to provide you with a full range of experience, with your authorization, our client will upload your actively uploaded pictures, save dynamics, and avatar encryption to the server for external storage; may collect the software name and version number of your device, and upload it to the server for processing and storage through encryption.

2 Album permissions

In order to provide you with a full range of sports experience, with your authorization, our client will upload the pictures you actively upload encrypted to the server for storage; refusing to provide this permission will only make you unable to use the above functions, but it will not affect The normal use of other functions and services of KungFu; but when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information and can no longer provide you with the services corresponding to the above, but unless you delete your information in accordance with the provisions of the law, your cancellation will not affect our storage or processing of information based on your previous authorization.

3 Camera permissions

When you use the photo capture function, we will access the camera permission of your device and obtain the image information you upload to us based on taking photos, saving news, and avatars. If you refuse to provide permissions and content, it will only prevent you from using this function, but it will not affect your normal use of other functions of Keep. At the same time, you can also cancel this permission at any time through the relevant function settings. After you cancel the authorization, we will no longer collect the information and can no longer provide you with the services corresponding to the above, but unless you delete your information in accordance with the provisions of the law, your cancellation will not affect our processing and storage of information based on your previous authorization.

4 Network permissions

After you activate this permission, KungFu App can access or obtain Wi-Fi and local cellular network to ensure that you can use all kinds of functions on this software that require data from the server.

5 Notification Permissions

Once you activate this permission, we'll be able to push you notifications for classes, events, and more.

Please note that you can disable the notification permission of KungFu APP in the IOS system settings at any time, but when you cancel the authorization, we will no longer have access to the permission and can no longer provide you with the above corresponding services; your cancellation will not affect our storage or processing of information based on your previous authorization.

(4) In accordance with relevant laws, regulations and national standards, we may collect and use your relevant personal information without your authorization and consent in the following circumstances:

A. Necessary for the conclusion and performance of a contract to which the individual is a party, or necessary for the implementation of human resources management in accordance with the labor rules and regulations formulated in accordance with the law and the collective contract signed in accordance with the law;

B. Necessary for the performance of statutory duties or legal obligations;

C. Necessary for responding to public health emergencies or protecting the life, health and property safety of natural persons in an emergency;

D. Carry out news reporting, public opinion supervision and other acts for the public interest, and process personal information within a reasonable scope;

E. Handle personal information disclosed by individuals or other legally disclosed within a reasonable scope in accordance with the provisions of this Law;

F. Other circumstances provided by laws and administrative regulations.

(v) We are committed

1 We don't show you ads based on sensitive categories, such as race, religion, sexual orientation or health.

2 We do not share information with advertisers that can be used to identify you personally, such as your name or email address (unless authorized by you);

3 At any time and under no circumstances will we transfer or share your personal information with any third party without authorization, and we will only use the information obtained under this agreement to the extent permitted by law. We will establish strict policies to protect your personal information, and will not disclose your information to public or provide to third parties unless you have obtained your authorization in advance or otherwise provided in this statement.

4  The third-party services in the KungFu  App service are provided by external third-party entities, and Keep App cannot obtain the information generated when you use such third-party services. However, if you have expressly consented to the third party obtaining your geographic location information, the third party will obtain your terminal geographic location information through the Keep App interface. This information is sensitive information, and refusing to provide this information will only prevent you from using the above-mentioned third-party services, but will not affect your normal use of KungFu App's functions.

Please understand that the functions and services we provide to you are constantly updated and developed, if a function or service is not in the aforementioned description and your information is collected, we will separately explain the content, scope and purpose of information collection to you through page prompts, interactive processes, website announcements, etc., to obtain your consent.

Please note that if KungFu App needs to carry out personal information processing activities for business beyond the scope of your original authorization and consent when providing personal information to a third party, we will obtain your express consent before processing such personal information, in addition, we will strictly abide by the relevant laws and regulations, and require the third party to ensure the legality of the information provided.

5 We will not provide your personal information to anyone unless we have your separate consent.

II. How do we entrust the processing, sharing, transfer and public disclosure of your personal information

1. Consignment of processing of your personal information

In order to improve efficiency and reduce costs, we may entrust affiliates to process information on our behalf, for example, we will hire our affiliates to provide us with infrastructure technical services and customer support services. For companies, organizations and individuals entrusted to us to process personal information, we will require them to comply with strict confidentiality obligations and take effective confidentiality measures through written agreements and on-site audits, requiring them to only process your information within the scope of entrustment, and not to use your information for their own interests, and supervise the personal information processing activities of the trustees. If the entrustment contract does not take effect, is invalid, revoked, or terminated, we will require the entrusted party to return the personal information or delete the personal information, and shall not retain it. Our trustees include:

1.1 Authorized partners of in-app push services: Push partners will use the SDK (software program development kit) in the services we provide, and may access such as your system language, network type, IP address, photo album, device information, external storage status, last geolocation information, network location information, continuous location, WiFi information, application installation list, but will not collect your personally identifiable information. This information is used to create an internal user number to help us better push accurate information, avoid repeated delivery of information, and cause information interference to you.

1.2 Authorized partners of statistical services: Statistical partners will use SDK (software program development kit) in the services we provide, and may access such as your network type, WiFi information, IDFA, IDFV, but will not collect your personally identifiable information. This information is used to help us analyze the use of product features to better improve our products and/or services and enhance your user experience.

2. Sharing

In addition to the personal information we actively collect, the text, photos you upload through the KungFu  App, and the information uploaded during the use of social networking services will only be stored on the server as data, in accordance with the Cybersecurity Law, the Personal Information Protection Law and other laws and regulations. Regulatory policies require, we will not collect your information for other business purposes or information sharing, but when it meets the relevant national laws and regulations and its policy requirements or the requirements of relevant national departments, we will use your information within the scope permitted by law, such as retrieving and screening whether your information does not comply with laws, regulations, public order and good customs, etc., and submit information suspected of violating relevant laws and regulations to relevant national departments.

Please carefully consider the content of information uploaded, posted and communicated through our services. In some cases, you can control the scope of users who have access to your shared information through the privacy settings of some of our services. You can delete the information you uploaded, posted or shared by yourself, if you ask us to delete your relevant information for you, please send an email to [email protected] to contact us and put forward your request, and we will complete and verify and process it within 15 working days after receipt.

We will not provide your personal information to other personal information processors. Under the following circumstances, when we will provide your personal information to other third-party personal information processors, we will inform you of the name or surname, contact information, processing purpose, processing method and type of personal information involved in a single scenario by pop-up window or additional notification, and obtain your separate consent. At present, our authorized partners mainly include the following types:


2.2 Sharing with Third Party Service Providers/Business Partners

In order to provide you with the services described in this Privacy Policy, we may share necessary personal information with third parties such as third-party service providers/business partners.

2.2.1 This includes our advertising and marketing service providers and other business partners. These third parties may process your personal information on behalf of KungFu App or for one or more of the elements of this Privacy Policy. We guarantee that we will only share the personal information necessary to provide you with services for legitimate, legal, necessary, specific and clear purposes. KungFu App will conduct due diligence and sign contracts to ensure that third-party service providers comply with relevant national laws and regulations and their policy requirements or the requirements of relevant national authorities. Third-party service providers may also have their subprocessors.

3. Assignment

If we need to transfer personal information due to merger, division, dissolution, declaration of bankruptcy, etc., we will inform you of the name or name and contact information of the recipient, and require the recipient to continue to perform the obligations of the personal information processor, if the recipient changes the original processing purpose and processing method, we will require your consent to be obtained again.

4. Public Disclosure

We will not disclose your personal information unless we have obtained your separate consent.

III. How We Store Your Personal Information

1. Where the Information is Stored

We store the information we obtain from the App in Hong Kong, China.

2. Duration of information storage

We promise to always store your personal information for a reasonably necessary period in accordance with the provisions of the law. After the above period, we will delete your personal information.

When our products or services cease to operate, we will notify you in the form of push notifications, announcements, etc., and delete your personal information within a reasonable period of time.

IV. How We Protect Your Personal Information

1. We strive to ensure the security of users' information to prevent leakage, loss, improper use, unauthorized access and disclosure of information. We use multi-faceted security protection measures to ensure that users' personal information protection is at a reasonable security level, including technical protection means, management system control, security system guarantee and many other aspects, and we will conduct personal information protection impact assessment in accordance with regulatory requirements.

2. In order to protect the security of your personal information, we will strive to take various security measures in line with industry standards to protect your personal information to minimize the risk of loss, destruction, theft, leakage, unauthorized access, use, disclosure and alteration of your personal information. We will use a variety of security measures to ensure the security of information within a reasonable level of security, including: (1) the use of encryption technology (such as TLS), anonymization, etc. to ensure that your data remains private during transmission; (2) provide a variety of security features to assist you in protecting the security of your account; (3) review of our collection, Practices in storing and processing information (including physical security measures) to prevent unauthorized persons from accessing our systems; (4) all KungFu APP employees, contractors and agents who must access personal information in connection with the provision of services are required to comply with strict confidentiality obligations stipulated in the contract, otherwise they may be sanctioned or terminated; (5) we establish a data classification and grading system, data security management specifications, Data security development specifications manage and regulate the storage and use of personal information and ensure that no personal information unrelated to the services we provide is collected.

3. Your account has security protection functions, please keep your account and verification code information properly. Keep will ensure that your information is not lost, abused and altered by backing up to other servers, encrypting user passwords and other security measures. Although the above reasonable and effective measures have been taken and the standards required by relevant laws and regulations have been complied with, please understand that due to technical limitations and various malicious means that may exist, in the Internet industry, even if we do our best to strengthen security measures, it is impossible to always guarantee 100% security of information, and we will try our best to ensure the security of personal information you provide to us. You acknowledge and understand that the system and communication network you use to access our services may have problems due to factors beyond our control. Therefore, in order to prevent the occurrence of safety accidents, we have formulated a proper early warning mechanism and emergency response plan in accordance with the provisions of laws and regulations. If a security incident does occur, we will promptly inform you of the relevant situation by email, telephone, push notification, etc., and when it is difficult to inform the Personal Data Subject one by one, we will issue an announcement in a reasonable and effective manner. At the same time, we will also take the initiative to report the handling of personal information security incidents in accordance with the requirements of regulatory authorities, and closely cooperate with the work of government agencies. At the same time, we strongly recommend that you pay full attention to the protection of personal information when using products and services, and take active measures to protect the security of personal information, including but not limited to using complex passwords, changing passwords regularly, and not disclosing personal information such as your account password to others. We also provide a variety of security features to help you protect the security of your personal information.

4. We strictly limit the scope of personnel who access information, require them to comply with confidentiality obligations and conduct audits, and those who violate their obligations will be punished according to the regulations. We also review this management system, process, and organization to prevent unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of users' information. We recommend that you pay full attention to the protection of personal information when using products and services, and we will also provide a variety of security features to assist you in protecting the security of your personal information.

5. What can you do?

You may not disclose the verification code you receive to anyone (including persons claiming to be Kung Fu App customer service) at any time by not disclosing your login code or account information to anyone (unless that person is duly authorized by you). Whenever you log in to the KungFu  App as a KungFu App account user, especially when logging in on another person's computer, mobile phone or public Internet terminal, you should always log out at the end of use.

KungFu App is not responsible for security lapses caused by third parties accessing your personal information due to your failure to keep your personal information private. Notwithstanding the foregoing, you shall notify us immediately of any unauthorized use of your account by any other Internet user or any other security breach.

Your assistance will help us protect the privacy of your personal information.

V. Your personal subject rights

We attach great importance to your management of personal information, and do our best to protect your right to inquire, update, change, export, delete and withdraw consent of personal information, so that you have full ability to maintain your privacy and personal information security.

1. When you use our products and services, you will be required to provide your real personal information, and you shall be responsible for the authenticity, legality, validity and completeness of the information you provide, and update and maintain your personal information in a timely manner to ensure the authenticity, legality and validity of the information. You can manage your personal information, such as your personal account registration information, at any time.

2. Through the design of the interactive interface, we provide you with channels to access, inquire and correct relevant personal information by yourself, which you can set in the following ways:

2.2.1 You can access and correct your personal information, including avatar, nickname, gender, and introduction, through "Me" - "Settings" - "Personal Information" in the upper left corner

2.2.2 You can access and correct your Kung Fu preferences, including age group, Kung Fu training level, martial arts classification preferences, through "Me" - Top Left - Settings - Preferences

2.2.3 You can set privacy settings, access, and correct privacy permissions through IOS system settings, including photos, message push, mobile wireless data and other information;

3. You can delete  your content or personal information from your KungFu  account, or ask us to delete or modify the information, for example, if you want to delete your content or personal information, send an email to [email protected] Contact us and put forward your request, we will contact you within 15 working days after receipt and complete the verification and processing.

4. In some cases, we retain data for a limited period of time for legal purposes or legitimate business needs. We do our best to ensure that Keep's services protect information from accidental or malicious deletion. Therefore, if you delete something, we may delete copies of it from our current and standby systems within 15 business days.

5. Withdrawal of Consent

You may withdraw consent previously granted to us for a specific purpose, including the collection, use and/or disclosure of your personal information in our possession or control, by submitting a request. Depending on the specific service you are using, you can send an email to [email protected] to perform related operations. We will process your request within a reasonable time after you make it and, upon your request, will not collect, use and/or disclose your personal information thereafter.

Depending on the scope of your withdrawal, it may result in you not being able to continue to enjoy the products or services of KungFu App. However, your decision to withdraw your consent or authorization will not affect the effectiveness of our previous personal information processing activities based on your consent.

After you withdraw the authorization of the Privacy Policy, we will no longer process your personal information. At the same time, we will delete all your personal information, unless you re-register a KungFu account, you will not be able to continue to use the product functions provided by KungFu, please be cautious.

6. Cancel Services or Account

If you wish to cancel a specific product or service, you can cancel your account through "Me" - "Settings" - "Delete Account" in the upper left corner. When you cancel your account, we will delete your personal information.

If you wish to cancel your KungFuApp account, please be cautious because the cancellation of your KungFuApp account will prevent you from using the full range of Keep App products or services.

7. To respond to your requests

For security reasons, we will process your request in a timely manner after verifying your identity. For your reasonable request, we do not charge fees in principle, but for repeated requests that exceed reasonable limits, we will charge a certain cost as appropriate.

We may refuse requests that require excessive technical means (for example, the need to develop new systems or fundamentally change existing practices), pose risks to the legitimate rights and interests of others, or are very impractical.

8. Right to process personal information of the deceased

Subject to the requirements of relevant laws, your close relatives may exercise the above rights of access, copying, correction, deletion and other rights to your relevant personal information, unless otherwise arranged by you.

6. Updates to this Policy

1. We may modify and update this Privacy Policy from time to time, and we will publish updates to the Privacy Policy in the form of news notices and announcements in the KungFu App, and you can visit Keep App to check the latest version of the Privacy Policy. We will provide you with a solemn notice of material changes.

The material changes referred to in this Policy include, but are not limited to:

1.1 Significant changes in our products and/or service models. Such as the purpose of processing personal information, the types of personal information processed, the way personal information is used, etc.;

1.2 We have undergone significant changes in our ownership structure, organizational structure, etc. Such as changes of owners caused by business adjustments, bankruptcy mergers and acquisitions, etc.;

1.3 Changes in the main objects of personal information sharing, transfer or public disclosure;

1.4 Significant changes in your rights to participate in the processing of personal information and the way in which they are exercised;

1.5 When our responsible department, contact information and complaint channels responsible for handling personal information security change;

1.6 When the personal information security impact assessment report indicates that there is a high risk.

By agreeing to and continuing to use the KungFu App, you agree to the contents of this Policy (including the updated version). If you do not agree, please do not use the KungFu App.

7. Scope of application

1. Our Privacy Policy applies to all services provided by Xiamen Maritime Oasis Technology Co., Ltd., including those provided by KungFu Academy App, but does not include services with separate privacy policies (such as products and services provided by third parties).

2. Our privacy policy does not apply to products and services provided by third parties, such as the KungFu App or other websites linked to in our services, which will be governed by separate privacy policies, please refer to the corresponding policies separately.

3. Our Privacy Policy does not cover the information processing policies of other companies and organizations that advertise our services and may use our cookies or other log information to serve and use advertisements.

VIII. How to contact us

You can contact us in the following ways:

1. If you have any questions, comments or suggestions about the content of this policy, you can contact us through KungFu App online customer service;

2. If you find that your personal information may be leaked, you can complain and report through KungFu App, and we will contact you within 15 working days to complete the verification and processing;

3. You can contact you within 15 working days through email [email protected] we will contact you and complete the verification and processing.

IX. Supplementary Provisions

1. The interpretation and dispute resolution of this Policy shall be governed by the laws of the People's Republic of China. Any dispute related to this Policy shall be settled through friendly negotiation, and if it cannot be resolved through negotiation, you hereby agree to submit the dispute to the People's Court of Siming District, Xiamen City, Fujian Province, China.

2. If any court of competent jurisdiction decides or rules that any provision of this Policy is invalid, that provision will be removed from this Policy, but the invalidity of such provision shall not affect the validity of the remaining provisions of this Policy. The remaining provisions of this Policy will continue to apply.

4. The headings of this Policy are designed for convenience only and do not affect the meaning or interpretation of any provision of this Policy.